Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Spring is Here!

Here’s how I know. 

1.      We’re having more warm days than cold. Thank heavens.

2.   Birds are flying all around the outside of the house and the inside, too. I can’t keep the bird feeders filled fast enough; fill it one day and it’s empty the next. Mostly we have sparrows (or wrens, hard to tell the difference), bluebirds (my favorites) and a few red headed house finches. Front yard, back yard, they’re all over the place. Inside the house, Charlie flies back and forth in front of the window to show the bluebirds that he, too, is a bird and can fly. He sits in the window and chatters to them all morning long.

3.  Butterflies are coming back. We have big black and yellow (possibly monarchs) that come to a bush right in front of the window by the kitchen table in the summer. They’re starting to come back now that it’s warmer. They fill my heart with joy as much as my bluebirds do.

4.  This is a rural area and every road has fields and ponds at almost every house. The fields are now plowed and about half have been planted. Corn seems to be a popular crop this year. Across the street from us, there’s a field I see when I sit here at the computer. It has been plowed, but not yet planted. Every year gives us a chance to guess what will grow this year. Last year was peanuts, the year before was tobacco. This year, time will tell. For now, geese, ducks, and other birds are having a ball landing in the field and swimming in the adjoining pond. There’s always something going on outside.

5. The state is slowly opening up. Yesterday we actually went to a restaurant at noon, went inside believe it or not, and sat at a table and got waited on! It was so nice not to go through a drive thru and eat in the car while juggling food on our laps and being able to move only a few inches to get to our drinks in the console cups. We could not believe how pleasant it was to go in a restaurant and eat, something we used to take for granted.

6.  My sister has gone back to her home, so Stewart and I are now enjoying life as a married couple. Of course, spring has nothing to do with that, “young” love is alive and well any time of the year.

Quote of the Day: God's in His heaven - All's right with the world! Robert Browning

1 comment:

kjml said...

Hi, Linda! So happy you and Stewart are surviving lockdown and doing well! I think Spring forgot to come to Lake Havasu--it's 107 degrees outside, today! I think I missed the notice for your last post, so I have to go catch up on it! Stay well! K+