Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone on July 25

I am happy (and, dare I say, proud) to announce that a story of mine is in the latest Chicken Soup For the Soul book called Get Out of Your Comfort Zone. My story is on page 154 and entitled, The Challenge. 

The book will be available on July 25. I've read an advance copy and some of the stories just blew me away with how people have not only attempted to do something they never would have dreamed, but also accomplished it! 

Reading this book makes you feel like you can push beyond the limits of your comfort zone, try something new, and never be the same again. And age is not a barrier. 

One woman hiked the Blue Ridge Mountains in her mid-fifties. Another ran a half marathon along a mountain ridge at night, at age fifty. Another woman entered, and won, a senior pageant at age seventy-four. One person skydived for the first time at age seventy. And on it goes, one person after another who had to reach deep inside herself or himself to find the courage to do something new and different and, yes, frightening, and who finished strong and invigorated and ready to try something new. 

My story is about using the time on a cruise to attempt things I'd never done before--horseback riding (in Puerto Vallarta), parasailing (in Mazatlan), snorkeling (in Cabo San Lucas), even skeet shooting off the bow of the ship, and, heaven forbid, trying new foods. All after age fifty and all of which led to more parasailing and eventually skydiving, at age sixty.

We just don't know what we can do until we try.

Quote of the dayDon’t worry about failures, worry about the chances you miss when you don’t even try. Jack Canfield


Anonymous said...

Another great blog post! I am learning from you❤️

Laurie Winslow Sargent said...

Linda, this looks like an inspiring book, and you summarized it so well! I look forward to reading your own story about the new adventures you tried. Happy launch day!

AnnMarie Kaiser said...

Linda just gave me a copy of this book recently what a wonderful wonderful book. Do yourself a favor and give yourself this book You will love it.

Gramkaiser said...

Linda gave me a copy of this book recently and it is wonderful I love it I love it. Do yourself a favor and gift it to yourself you'll never regret it