Wednesday, June 28, 2023

A Final Goodbye

I hope you all had a nice Father's Day last week.  Mine was a little different, although I got to spend it at the beach.

Cyndi and Bill picked me up Sunday morning and we drove to Wrightsville Beach in Wilmington. Along for the ride was a small vial of Stewart's ashes. Stewart was born and raised in Wilmington up until he joined the Navy, so it seemed fitting that he should be returned "Home." 

We met up with Bill's brother Art and his wife Helen who had arrived on Saturday, and together we formed a small community at the beach. Cyndi read a poem she had written for the occasion and I read some quotes that seemed appropriate for his "Homecoming." 

Then Art took the vial and returned its contents to the sea. Although Stewart is lying in peace in the Sand Hills Military Cemetery in Fayetteville, now a part of him is home where he belongs, where any good sailor should be, at sea.

We returned home Monday, knowing that Bill and Art finally had closure with their dad. Of Stewart's six children, only Bill and Art remain; he had outlived four of his children and now he is with them once again.

Rest in peace, Stewart.

Art and Bill
Helen and Art


Cyndi and Bill

Cyndi, Bill and Me

Art Returning Dad to the Sea

Quote of the Day: And when the day arrives I'll become the sky and I'll become the sea and the sea will come to kiss me for I am going home. Nothing can stop me now. Reznor


Helen said...

It was a beautiful day. We have a bit of peace knowing Pop is at rest
I enjoyed reading your new book ,too. .

Anonymous said...

Poignant and touching, Linda!

Laurie Winslow Sargent said...

What a precious, memory-making moment you all made.

Linda Loegel said...

Thank you all. Yes, it was a beautiful day outside and inside our hearts.