Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Living on the Wild Side of Life

We moved to N.C. to be closer to family. I had no idea that would include moving closer to Mother Nature.

Yesterday morning I sat at the computer and looked up to see a doe and her fawn wandering around our front lawn. I watched them for a few minutes, then they crossed the street over to another lawn. 


Later that day I cut up an apple and threw little apple chunks into the backyard.
Within an hour or two, Fred called me to come look out the kitchen window. There was a doe enjoying the apple bites. Then a spotted fawn came out of the woods and joined his mother. Fred went on the back porch and threw out bread for them and, miraculously, they didn’t run away but stayed right there eating. As I watched, I saw a second fawn, a little bigger than the first one, come into the backyard to join the other two. I was ecstatic!

I haven’t seen Carl, our male cardinal, in over a month, but I do see his wife, Carlina. We also have a bunny rabbit that has enjoyed our backyard a couple of times. Our bluebirds have gone to parts unknown. After the last of their babies flew off, mama and papa have not been seen at all. Dragonflies seem to prefer our frontyard.

Fred and I are now going to nearby White Deer Park to walk the hiking trails every day. We use walking sticks to help us old folks handle the one mile loop through the woods. On our walk I’ve seen a goldfinch, flowers, and this brown bird, whatever he is. 

I’ve found that the walk is a wonderful way to start the day and get my metabolism going.  I come back refreshed and energized with new ideas for the novel I’m working on called Leaving Mark.

Thought for the Day:  Life is a ticket to the greatest show on earth. Martin H. Fischer

1 comment:

Tammy Sue Willey said...

Nothing like the gift of nature to slow us down to breathe.